Being a good doctor is not enough. Having attended the best medical schools are not enough. In order to run a successful medical practice, you’ve got to learn how to run the business – and it’s not always easy.
We came up with a list of 10 things that will help you run a more successful practice in 2020.
Hire the right people
As a doctor it’s impossible to do everything yourself, so why not hire people that are smarter than you to take care of your practice while you take care of the patients. If you’re trying to save a few rand by hiring less-than-competent staff, you’re only working against yourself and not putting your patients first.
The Medical Resources team can assist with the recruitment of permanent admin staff, Medical as well as Locum Doctors.
Stop underutilising your staff
This isn’t so much about staff that aren’t busy enough, it’s about making better use of the staff at your disposal, rather than tying them up with tedious administration work that can be automated.
Build your brand
Sure, there are doctors who charge less than you and there are doctors who can always “squeeze” you in – but you ARE the brand. And you need to build your brand in such a way that patients would rather pay a little extra, or wait a little bit longer, rather than seeing the next best doctor in town.
Support your team
As much as your employees are being paid a salary to do their jobs, they are there to support your practice and run it in a way that is beneficial to all involved. Make sure you take time out to show them your appreciation and support them whenever and as far as possible.
Become adaptable
Nothing remains the same, and new advances in medicine and technology allows for a whole new way of doing things as opposed to some years ago. Don’t stand in your own way when it comes to adapting to your surrounds. It doesn’t have to be big – but it’s good to keep on top of trends and advances in the medical field to avoid becoming redundant.
Build a great website
You’re losing out on a lot of business if you’re running a medical practice without having a decent website. Hire a reputable marketing company who can build a great looking (and functioning) website – making sure that it includes relevant keywords so patients and search engine can find you.
Your patients should be able to easily schedule appointments from your website and you should update it with new information on a regular basis.
Give us a call on 087 012 5015 or email werner@medicalresources.co.za to find out how we can help you setup your website for success.
Market your business online
Having a website is the first step, having an online presence completes it. Facebook is a great advertising and selling tool that can be used to your advantage at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing. Another great way to advertise is by using a pay-per-click service like Google Ads.
Give back to your community
You’ve got a lot to offer your community, so why not start giving back to them by becoming involved in local events, providing helpful information and becoming “one of them”. Building trust is what will keep patients coming back to your practice.
Learn to listen
Running a medical practice (or any business for that matter), is not an easy task and it can become far more difficult if you don’t listen to others. Listen to your staff when they have new ideas on how to run your practice more effectively, listen to your patients when they tell you what they would like to see in your practice. You’re not always right, and if you think you are – you’ll find yourself alone very quickly.
Learn to communicate
Communicate with your patients by gathering their e-mail addresses and sending them a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter. Share updates and tips with them so they keep your office in the forefront of their brains.
Learn how to speak with your employees so they feel heard and respected. Good communication also means your business will run more smoothly with fewer mistakes.